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華安聯合會的使命,是向本地域民眾宣揚啟示錄14: 6-12節之三天使信息中,上帝的愛之永遠的福音,正如耶穌基督的生平、受死、復活和大祭司職份所顯示的。我們的使命就是引領眾民接受耶穌為個人的救主,加入祂的餘民教會,培育他們成為門徒,裝備和賜予他們力量為主服務,並預備迎接耶穌的即將復臨。

我們的價值觀 - 基督復臨安息日會的價值紮根在上帝的啟示裡,這啟示是上帝透過聖經和耶穌基督的生平而提供的。我們的身份及被召源自對聖經預言的透徹理解,特別是那些關於耶穌即將復臨前時期之預言。因此,生命的一切成為投身於上帝和祂的國度的成長經驗和見證。




我在夜間的異象,看見上帝的子民中起了一種大改革的運動。 許多人都在讚美上帝,患病的人得了醫治, 其他的奇事也行了出來。 一種代人祈求的精神顯了出來,猶如五旬節以前的情形一般,千百信主的人都在走訪人家,在人前宣示上帝的真道,人心既被聖靈的能力所感動,就顯出真正悔改的精神,各方面的門戶都為宣揚真理而敞開了,世界似乎受了天上感化的光照,凡是上帝真實而謙卑的子民,都得到了極大的福氣,我聽見感謝和頌讚的聲音,似乎是發生了我們在一八四四年所見到的那種大改革。 (《證言精選》卷三,三四五頁)


1. 以基督為中心 – 信仰要道、決策及活動,皆以基督為中心,以聖經為本及有聖靈充滿。
2. 佈道導向 – 所有面向全球或本地不同文化的活動,都以佈道為導向。
3. 合一,協調與合作 – 聯合會認知基督復臨安息日會是一個擁有全球異象之運動,此外,本聯合會將協調教會資源,與教會的不同組織機構合作,共同計畫、支援、和評估各項活動。
4. 地方教會為中心 – 地方教會是傳道及牧養之基本單位,因此在區會及聯合會階層之機構活動,皆應直接或間接支援地方教會,並將回應它們的需要以滿足其功能。
5. 自養 – 積極鼓勵在各階層自養,但同時培養全球教會之合一精神和互賴意識。
6. 領袖之發展與責任制度 – 必須在教會組織各階層建立領袖。此外,行政責任制之下放,領袖培訓之方法與材料製作都必須合乎當地教會的需要。/td>
7. 平信徒參與 – 教會必須確認平信徒參與傳道事工是教會成就使命的核心。
8. 團隊工作 – 在所有教會組織裡的員工,應互相尊重,彼此鼓勵以團隊工作,進一步提供機會給員工作個人及專業發展,以便成為更有效率之團隊成員。
9. 平等 – 在我們的創造主上帝面前,各人皆具同等價值。
10. 卓越 – 我們努力的工作必須以卓越見稱。
11. 正直 – 在所有活動中的表現,必須符合正直和基督徒道德。
12. 接觸未進入地區 – 尋求並使用最有效之途徑及方法,接觸本聯合會範圍內的未得之地和社群。

The mission of the Chinese Union Mission of Seventh-day Adventists is to communicate to all peoples in its territory the everlasting gospel of God’s love in the context of the three angels’ messages of Revelation 14:6-12, and as revealed in the life, death, resurrection, and high priestly ministry of Jesus Christ, leading them to accept Jesus as their personal Saviour and Lord and to unite with His remnant church; and to nurture believers as disciples in preparation for His soon return, and to equip and empower them for service.

General Statement of Values and Strategies
Our Values - Seventh-day Adventist values are rooted in the revelation of God provided through the Bible and the life of Jesus Christ. Our sense of identity and calling grows from an understanding of Bible prophecies, especially those concerning the time immediately preceding the return of Jesus. Consequently all of life becomes a growing experience and demonstration of involvement with God and His kingdom.

Our sense of mission is driven by the realization that every person, regardless of circumstances, is of infinite value to God and thus deserving of respect and dignity. Through God’s grace every person is gifted for and needed in the diverse activities of the Church family.

Our respect for diversity, individuality and freedom is balanced by regard for community. We are one - a worldwide family of faith engaged in representing the reign of God in our world through ethical conduct, mutual regard, and loving service. Our faithfulness to God involves commitment to and support of His body, the Church.


In visions of the night, representations passed before me of a great reformatory movement among God’s people. Many were praising God. The sick were healed, and other miracles were wrought. A spirit of intercession was seen, even as was manifested before the great Day of Pentecost. Hundreds and thousands were seen visiting families and opening before them the word of God. Hearts were convicted by the power of the Holy Spirit, and a spirit of genuine conversion was manifest. On every side doors were thrown open to the proclamation of the truth. The world seemed to be lightened with the heavenly influence. Great blessings were received by the true and humble people of God. I heard voices of thanksgiving and praise, and there seemed to be a reformation such as we witnessed in 1844. (EGW, 9T 126.1)

The guiding values and strategies in support of the Mission Statement - Chinese Union Mission are:

1. Christ Centered – That doctrines, decisions and activities are to be Christ-centered, Bible-based and Spirit-filled.
2. Mission Driven – That all activities are to be mission driven, whether global in scope or localized to different cultural groups.
3. Unity, Coordination and Cooperation – That the Union recognizes the Seventh-day Adventists Church is one movement around the world with a global vision, Further, that it shall provide direction and coordination in the allocation of denominational resources while cooperating with various church entities to plan, facilitate and evaluate programs and activities.
4. Centrality of the Local Church – That the local church is the primary agency of outreach and nurture and that activities at the Institutional, Mission/Conference and Union levels shall directly or indirectly support the local church, and shall be responsive to its needs in fulfilling its role.
5. Self-Support - That self support shall be actively encouraged at all levels, while simultaneously fostering the unity and recognizing the interdependence of the world-wide church.
6. Leadership Development and Accountability - That leadership must be developed at all levels of the church organization. Further, that decentralization in administrative accountability and in the development of materials and approaches will best meet the needs of the local church.
7. Lay Involvement – That the church recognizes the centrality of lay member involvement in the ministries of the church for the accomplishment of the mission through the effective use of spiritual gifts.
8. Teamwork – That in all denominational organizations employees respect each other as individuals and encourage each other to work as a team. Further that employees be provided opportunities for personal and professional development to become more effective members of the team.
9. Equality – That before our Creator God, each individual has equal value.
10. Excellence – That excellence shall characterize all our endeavors.
11. Integrity – That integrity and Christian ethics shall be exhibited in all activities.
12. Reaching the Unreached – That the unreached people groups within the Chinese Union Mission territory will be reached by seeking and employing the most effective approaches and methods.

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