全球總會(General Conference)下設有13分會(13 Division, 如圖) 分區為:北美分會、中美分會、南美分會、泛歐分會、歐非分會、東中非分會、
西非分會、南非印度洋分會、歐亞分會、北亞太分會、南亞分會、南亞太分會、 南太平洋分會。 各分會下設有各聯合會(Union Mission),而全球時兆出版社就分設於各個
以下編排係依照 字母A-Z/隸屬分會簡稱:分會中文名稱 / 國家名 |

1. ECD:東中非分會 / 肯亞 Africa Herald Publishing House |
‧Address: P.O. Box 95 Kendu Bay Kenya
‧Phone: 254 (59) 22-244, 22-227
‧Fax: 254 (59) 21-212 Union: East African Union Mission (website)
‧Division: East-Central Africa Division (website)
‧Type: Publishing House (P)

2. SID:南非印度洋分會 / 安哥拉 Angola Publishing House (Casa Publicadora Angolana)
‧Street Address: Teixeira da Silva Huambo Angola
‧Mail: Caixa Postal 3 Huambo Angola
‧Phone: 244 (241) 220-316
‧Email: casapubi20.Angola@huambo.angonet.org
‧Union: Angola Union Mission
‧Division: Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division (website)
‧Type: Publishing House (P) |

3. EUD:歐非分會 / 奧地利 Austrian Publishing House (Toplife Wegweiser Verlag GmbH)
‧Address: Industriestrasse 10 2104 Spillern Austria
‧Phone: 43 (2266) 80520
‧Fax: 43 (2266) 80520-20
‧Email: info@toplife-center.com
‧Website: www.toplife-center.com
‧Union: Austrian Union of Churches Conference (website)
‧Division: Euro-Africa Division (website)
‧Type: Publishing House (P) |

4. SSD:南亞太分會 / 孟加拉 Bangladesh Adventist Publishing House |
‧Street Address: 149 Shah Ali Bagh Mirpur 1 Dhaka 1216 Bangladesh
‧Mail: G.P.O. Box 80
‧Dhaka 1000 Bangladesh
‧Phone: 880 (2) 801-2340, 900-2818
‧Fax: 880 (2) 801-8987
‧Email: sritchil@baum-bd.org
‧Union: Bangladesh Union Mission
‧Division: Southern Asia-Pacific Division (website)
‧Type: Publishing House (P)

5. SAD:南美分會 / 巴西 Brazil Publishing House (Casa Publicadora Brasileira) |
‧Street Address: Rodovia Estadual SP-127, km 106 18277-670 Tatui, SP Brazil
‧Mail: Caixa Postal 34 18270-970 Tatui, SP Brazil
‧Phone: 55 (15) 3205-8800
‧Fax: 55 (15) 3205-8900
‧Email: casa@cpb.com.br
‧Website: www.cpb.com.br
‧Division: South American Division (website)
‧Type: Publishing House (P) |

6. SAD:南美分會 / 阿根廷 South American Spanish Publishing House (Asociacion Casa Editora
Sudamericana) |
‧Address: Avenida San Martin 4555
‧B1604CDG Florida Oeste, Buenos Aires Argentina
‧Phone: 54 (11) 4760-2426
‧Fax: 54 (11) 4760-0416
‧Email: aces@aces.com.ar
‧Website: www.aces.com.ar
‧Division: South American Division (website)
‧Type: Publishing House (P)

7. EUD:歐非分會 / 保加利亞 Bulgarian Adventist Publishing House (Nov Zhivot)
‧Street Address: Osem 49 kv. Vrazhdebna 1839 Sofia Bulgaria
‧Mail: 11, Tzvetan Minkov Str. 1202 Sofia Bulgaria
‧Phone: 359 (2) 840-6253
‧Email: novzhivot@cablebf.net
‧Website: www.newlife-bg.com
‧Union: Bulgarian Union of Churches Conference (website)
‧Division: Euro-Africa Division (website)
‧Type: Publishing House (P)

8. WAD:西中非分會/喀麥隆 Central African Publishing House (Imprimerie Adventiste "IMA") |
‧Address: Boite Postale 61 Yaounde Cameroon
‧Phone: 237 (2) 20-43-23
‧Fax: 237 (2) 21-44-36
‧Union: Central African Union Mission
‧Division: West-Central Africa Division (website)
‧Type: Publishing House (P) |

9. SAD:南美分會 / 智利 Chile Union Mission(CUM) |
‧Buenos Aires Publishing House (Chile Branch). Casilla 31, Correo 60; Santiago;
Chile. |

10. SID:南非印度洋分會 / 尚比亞 Copperbelt Zambia Field
‧Address: Adventist House Ndola, Copperbelt Province 70708 Zambia
‧Mail: Adventist House P.O. Box 70708 Ndola Zambia
‧Members: 82135
‧Phone: 260 (2) 621-482, 621-483
‧Fax: 260 (2) 621-483
‧Email: sdachurch@zamtel.zm |

11. TED:泛歐分會 / 克羅埃西亞 Croatian Publishing House (Znaci vremena) |
‧Address: Prilaz Gjure Dezelica 77 10000 Zagreb Croatia
‧Phone: 385 (1) 377-4196
‧Fax: 385 (1) 377-4861
‧Email: josip.perisic@zg.htnet.hr
‧Website: www.adventisti.hr/znaci_vremena.html
‧Conference: Croatian Conference (website)
‧Union: Adriatic Union Conference (website)
‧Division: Trans-European Division (website)
‧Type: Publishing House (P) |

12. EUD:歐非分會 / 捷克 Czech Publishing House (Vydavatelstvi a Nakladatelstvi Advent-Orion,
‧Address: Roztocka 5/44 160 00 Praha 6-Sedlec Czech Republic
‧Phone: 420 (23) 332-1621
‧Fax: 420 (23) 332-3741
‧Email: adventorion@adventorion.cz
‧Website: www.adventorion.cz
‧Union: Czecho-Slovakian Union Conference (website)
‧Division: Euro-Africa Division (website)
‧Type: Publishing House (P) |

13. EUD:歐非分會 / 斯洛伐克 Slovakian Publishing House |
‧Address: Safarikova 9 038 61 Vrutky Slovakia
‧Phone: 421 (43) 430-2491
‧Fax: 421 (43) 428-2670
‧Email: adventorion@adventorion.sk
‧Website: www.adventorion.sk
‧Union: Czecho-Slovakian Union Conference (website)
‧Division: Euro-Africa Division (website)
‧Type: Publishing House (P) |

14. TED:泛歐分會 / 丹麥 Danish Publishing House (Dansk Bogforlag) |
‧Street Address: Concordiavej 16 2850 Naerum Denmark
‧Mail: P.O. Box 15 Concordiavej 16 DK-2850 Naerum Denmark
‧Phone: 45-4558-7758
‧Fax: 45-4558-7778
‧Email: ekspedition@danskbogforlag.dk
‧Union: Danish Union of Churches Conference (website)
‧Division: Trans-European Division (website)
‧Type: Publishing House (P)

15. IAD:中美分會 / 薩爾瓦多 Metropolitan El Salvador Conference |
‧Address: 19 Calle Poniente y 3ra. Avenida Norte, No. 246 San Salvador El Salvador
‧Mail: Apartado 1880 CG
‧San Salvador El Salvador
‧Phone: 503 (2) 226-8522, 225-2721 (Publis
‧Fax: 503 (2) 225-0880, 232-6157 (ADRA)
‧Email: asosal@yahoo.es ;
adra@hotmail.com |

16. EUD:歐非分會 / 法國 Life and Health Publishing House (France) (Editions Vie et Sante) |
‧Street Address: 60 Avenue Emile Zola 77192 Dammarie-les-Lys Cedex France
‧Mail: B.P. 59 77192 Dammarie-les-Lys Cedex France
‧Phone: 33 (1) 6439-3826
‧Fax: 33 (1) 6487-0066
‧Email: evs@viesante.com
‧Website: www.viesante.com
‧Division: Euro-Africa Division (website)
‧Type: Publishing House (P) |

17. EAD:歐亞分會 / 俄羅斯聯邦 Source of Life Publishing House (Izdatelstvo "Istochnik Zhizni") |
‧Address: Vostochnaya Street 9 301000 Zaoksky, Tula Region Russian Federation
‧Phone: 7 (48734) 2-01-01, 2-01-02
‧Fax: 7 (48734) 2-01-00
‧Email: solph@lifesource.ru
‧Website: www.lifesource.ru
‧Division: Euro-Asia Division (website)
‧Type: Publishing House (P)

18. TED:泛歐分會 / 芬蘭 Finland Seventh-day Adventist Publishing House (Kirjatoimi) |
‧Street Address: Ketarantie 4 E 33680 Tampere Finland
‧Mail: P.O. Box 94 33101 Tampere Finland
‧Phone: + 358 (3) 3611-200
‧Fax: + 358 (3) 3600-454
‧Email: kirjatoimi@sdafin.org
‧Website: www.kirjatoimi.fi
‧Union: Finland Union Conference (website)
‧Division: Trans-European Division (website)
‧Type: Publishing House (P) |

19. GC:全球總會 Review and Herald Publishing Association
‧Address: 55 West Oak Ridge Drive Hagerstown, Maryland 21740
‧Phone: 1 (301) 393-3000
‧Fax: 1 (301) 393-3222
‧Email: info@rhpa.org (Presidential)
‧Website: www.reviewandherald.org
‧Division: General Conference (website)
‧Type: Publishing House (P) |

20. EAD:歐亞分會 / 德國 German Seventh-day Adventist Publishing House (Saatkorn-Verlag
GmbH and Advent-Verlag Department) |
‧Address: Luener Rennbahn 14 21339 Lueneburg Germany
‧Phone: 49 (4131) 9835-02
‧Fax: 49 (4131) 9835-500
‧Email: info@advent-verlag.de
‧Website: www.advent-verlag.de
‧Division: Euro-Africa Division (website)
‧Type: Publishing House (P) |

21. TED:泛歐分會 / 匈牙利 Advent Publishing House (Advent Irodalmi Muhely) |
‧Address: Borsfa u. 55 1171 Budapest Hungary
‧Phone: 36 (1) 256-5205, 253-7701
‧Fax: 36 (1) 256-5205
‧Email: irodalmim@adventista.hu
‧Website: www.eek.hu
‧Union: Hungarian Union Conference (website)
‧Division: Trans-European Division (website)
‧Type: Publishing House (P)

22. TED:泛歐分會 / 冰島 Iceland Publishing House (Fraekornid--Bokaforlag Adventista) |
‧Address: Sudurhlid 36 105 Reykjavik Iceland
‧Phone: 354-588-7800
‧Fax: 354-588-7808
‧Email: eric@adventistar.is
‧Division: Trans-European Division (website)
‧Type: Publishing House (P) |

23. 印度洋聯合會/馬達加斯加 Indian Ocean Union Mission |
‧Adventist Printing House (Madagascar) (Maison d'Edition Adventiste).
‧Boite Postale 1134; Antananarivo 101; Madagascar. |

24. SSD:南亞太分會/印度尼西亞 Indonesia Publishing House (Percetakan Advent Indonesia)
‧Street Address: Jalan Raya Cimindi No. 72 Bandung 40184, Java Indonesia
‧Mail: Post Box 1188 Bandung 40011, West Java Indonesia
‧Phone: 62 (22) 603-0392, 604-2006
‧Fax: 62 (22) 602-7784
‧Email: iphbdg@gmail.com
‧Union: West Indonesia Union Mission
‧Division: Southern Asia-Pacific Division (website)
‧Type: Publishing House (P) |

25. TED:泛歐分會 / 以色列 Life and Peace Publishing House (Chaim VeShalom Publishing House)
‧Street Address: Advent House 4 Rehov Abraham Lincoln Jerusalem Israel
‧Mail: P.O. Box 592 Jerusalem 94186 Israel
‧Phone: 972 (2) 625-1547
‧Fax: 972 (2) 625-1319
‧Email: president@sdaisrael.org
‧Website: www.sdaisrael.org
‧Division: Trans-European Division (website)
‧Type: Publishing House (P) |

26. EUD:歐非分會 / 義大利 Italian Publishing House (Edizioni A.D.V. L'Araldo della Verita)
‧Address: Via Chiantigiana per Ferrone 30, Falciani 50023 Impruneta, Florence Italy
‧Phone: 39 (055) 232-6291, 232-6292
‧Fax: 39 (055) 232-6241
‧Email: info@edizioniadv.it
‧Website: www.edizioniadv.it
‧Union: Italian Union of Churches Conference (website)
‧Division: Euro-Africa Division (website)
‧Type: Publishing House (P) |

27. NSD:北亞太分會 / 日本 Japan Publishing House (Fukuinsha) |
‧Address: 3-21-8 Takamatsu-cho Tachikawa Tokyo 190-0011 Japan
‧Phone: 81 (42) 526-7342, 526-6227
‧Fax: 81 (42) 526-6065, 526-6066
‧Email: store@fukuinsha.com
‧Website: www.fukuinsha.com
‧Union: Japan Union Conference (website)
‧Division: Northern Asia-Pacific Division (website)
‧Type: Publishing House (P) |

28. SSD:南亞太分會 / 緬甸聯邦 Kinsaung Publishing House |
‧Street Address: No. 206, Shwe-Thit-Sa Road Kanbe, Yankin 11081 Yangon Myanmar
‧Mail: Post Box 977 Yangon 11181 Myanmar
‧Phone: 95 (1) 578-874
‧Union: Myanmar Union Mission (website)
‧Division: Southern Asia-Pacific Division (website)
‧Type: Publishing House (P) |

29. NSD:北亞太分會 / 韓國 Korean Publishing House (Sijosa) |
‧Street Address: 67-20 Beonttwigi-gil, Paju-si, Gyeonggi-do, 10909, Rep. of KOREA
‧Mail: Cheongnyang P.O. Box 120 Seoul 130-650 Korea
‧Phone: 82-31-910-1500
‧Fax: 82-31-919-4412
‧Union: Korean Union Conference (website)
‧Division: Northern Asia-Pacific Division (website)
‧Type: Publishing House (P) |

30. SSD:南亞太分會 / 斯里蘭卡 Lakpahana Publishing House of Seventh-day Adventists
‧Address: 8 Dewala Road Pagoda, Nugegoda Sri Lanka
‧Phone: 94 (11) 282-5746, 486-0695
‧Fax: 94 (11) 282-5746
‧Email: lph@sltnet.lk
‧Division: Southern Asia-Pacific Division (website)
‧Type: Publishing House (P)

31. SSD:南亞太分會 / 寮國 Laos Attached Field |
‧Address: Nongbone Road, Ban Phonexay Vientiane Lao People's Democratic Republic
‧Mail: P.O. Box 689 Vientiane Lao People's Democratic Republic
‧Phone: 856 (21) 412-701
‧Fax: 856 (21) 412-701
‧Email: keovanna@yahoo.com

32. TED:泛歐分會 / 馬其頓共和國 Macedonian Publishing House (AIK Znaci na vremeto) |
‧Address: Vlae 42 1000 Skopje Republic of Macedonia
‧Phone: 389 (2) 2030-777
‧Fax: 389 (2) 2048-038
‧Email: tomehac@mt.net.mk
‧Website: www.adventisti.org.mk
‧Conference: Macedonian Mission (website)
‧Union: South-East European Union Conference (website)
‧Division: Trans-European Division (website)
‧Type: Publishing House (P)

33. SID:南非印度洋分會 / 馬拉威 Malamulo Publishing House
‧Address: P.O. Box 11 Makwasa Malawi
‧ Phone: 265-474-206; 265-474-229
‧Fax: 265-470-258
‧Email: mph@globemw.net
‧Union: Malawi Union Mission
‧Division: Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division (website)
‧Type: Publishing House (P)

34. SID:南非印度洋分會 / 莫三比克Mozambique Publishing House (Livraria da Igreja Adventista
do Setimo Dia de Mocambique) |
‧Street Address: Avenida 24 de Julho 453 Maputo Mozambique
‧Mail: Caixa Postal 1468 Maputo Mozambique
‧Phone: 258 (2) 1493-684
‧Fax: 258 (2) 1493-684
‧Union: Mozambique Union Mission
‧Division: Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division (website)
‧Type: Publishing House (P)

35. TED:泛歐分會 / 挪威 Norwegian Publishing House (Norsk Bokforlag) |
‧Street Address: Vik Senter N-3530 Royse Norway
‧Mail: Vik Senter Postboks 103 N-3529 Royse Norway
‧Phone: 47-3216-1550
‧Fax: 47-3216-1551
‧Email: post@norskbokforlag.no
‧Website: www.norskbokforlag.no
‧Union: Norwegian Union Conference (website)
‧Division: Trans-European Division (website)
‧Type: Publishing House (P)

36. SUD:南亞分會 / 印度 Oriental Watchman Publishing House (Seventh-day Adventist Publishing
Association, Private Limited)
‧Street Address: Opp: Manthri Estate Building Salisbury Park Pune 411 037, Maharashtra
‧Mail: Post Box 1417 Pune 411 037, Maharashtra India
‧Phone: 91 (20) 2426-1441
‧Fax: 91 (20) 2426-1638
‧Email: owph@pn2.vsnl.net.in
‧Division: Southern Asia Division
‧Type: Publishing House (P)

37. TED:泛歐分會 / 巴基斯坦 Pakistan Publishing House (Qasid) (Inactive) |
‧Street Address: Adventpura Thokhar Niaz Baid, Motorway Bypass Multan Road, Lahore
530700 Pakistan
‧Mail: P.O. Box 32 Lahore Pakistan
‧Phone: 92 (42) 751-1529
‧Fax: 92 (42) 751-0967
‧Email: Israel_cardozo@hotmail.com
(Sohail Rafi)
‧Union: Pakistan Union Section
‧Division: Trans-European Division (website)
‧Type: Publishing House (P)

38. SSD:南亞太分會 / 菲律賓 Philippine Publishing House
‧Street Address: 1401 Baesa Caloocan City Philippines
‧Mail: P.O. Box 813 1000 Manila Philippines
‧Phone: 63 (2) 363-3024, 330-6870
‧Fax: 63 (2) 363-4244
‧Email: president@pphsda.com
‧Website: www.pphsda.com
‧Union: North Philippine Union Mission (website)
‧Division: Southern Asia-Pacific Division (website)
‧Type: Publishing House (P)

39. TED:泛歐分會 / 波蘭 Polish Publishing House (Chrzescijanski Instytut Wydawniczy "Znaki
Czasu") |
‧Address: Foksal 8 00-366 Warszawa Poland
‧Phone: 48 (22) 3319-808, 3319-811
‧Fax: 48 (22) 3319-801
‧Email: redakcja@znakiczasu.pl
‧Website: www.znakiczasu.pl
‧Union: Polish Union Conference (website)
‧Division: Trans-European Division (website)
‧Type: Publishing House (P)

40. EUD:歐非分會 / 葡萄牙 Portuguese Publishing House (Publicadora Servir, S.A.) |
‧Address: Rua da Serra, 1 Sabugo 2715-398 Almargem do Bispo Portugal
‧Phone: 351 (21) 962-6200
‧Fax: 351 (21) 962-6201
‧Email: publicadora@pservir.pt
‧Website: www.pservir.pt
‧Union: Portuguese Union of Churches Conference (website)
‧Division: Euro-Africa Division (website)
‧Type: Publishing House (P)

41. EUD:歐非分會 / 羅馬尼亞 "Life and Health" Romanian Adventist Publishing House (Editura
"Viata si Sanatate")
‧Address: Str. Valeriu Braniste 29, sector 3 Bucuresti 030715 Romania
‧Phone: 40 (21) 323-0020, 326-1750
‧Fax: 40 (21) 323-0040
‧Email: secretariat@viatasisanatate.ro
‧Website: www.viatasisanatate.ro
‧Union: Romanian Union Conference (website)
‧Division: Euro-Africa Division (website)
‧Type: Publishing House (P)

42. EUD:歐非分會 / 西班牙 Safeliz Publishing House (Editorial Safeliz, S.L.)
‧Address: Pradillo 6 Poligono Industrial "La Mina" 28770 Colmenar Viejo
(Madrid) Spain
‧Phone: 34 (91) 845-9877
‧Fax: 34 (91) 845-9865
‧Email: admin@safeliz.com
‧Website: www.safeliz.com
‧Union: Spanish Union of Churches Conference (website)
‧Division: Euro-Africa Division (website)
‧Type: Publishing House (P)

43. TED:泛歐分會 / 塞爾維亞&蒙特尼格羅 Serbian and Montenegro Publishing House (Adventisticka
Knjizara "Preporod") |
‧Address: Radoslava Grujica 4 11000 Belgrade Serbia
‧Phone: 381 (11) 2458-054
‧Fax: 381 (11) 2458-092
‧Email: mzivanov@eunet.yu
‧Union: South-East European Union Conference (website)
‧Division: Trans-European Division (website)
‧Type: Publishing House (P)

44. TED:泛歐分會 / 斯洛維尼亞 Slovenian Publishing House (Signs of the Times)
‧Address: Njegoseva 15 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia
‧Phone: 386 (1) 232-2608
‧Fax: 386 (1) 232-2608
‧Email: pavel.repnik@siol.net
‧Conference: Slovenian Conference (website)
‧Union: Adriatic Union Conference (website)
‧Division: Trans-European Division (website)
‧Type: Publishing House (P)

45. EAD:歐亞分會 / 烏克蘭 Source of Life Publishing House (Ukraine) (Izdatelstvo "Istochnik
Zhizni") |
‧Address: Luk'yanovskaya Street 9/10-A 04107 Kiev Ukraine
‧Phone: 380 (44) 467-50-71
‧Fax: 380 (44) 467-50-64
‧Email: dzherelo@ukr.net
‧Union: Ukrainian Union Conference (website)
‧Division: Euro-Asia Division (website)
‧Type: Publishing House (P)

46. SSD:南太平洋分會 / 澳洲 South Pacific Division |
‧Signs Publishing Company now operated within Adventist Media Network (Warburton
‧3485 Warburton Highway; Warburton, Victoria 3799; Australia. |

47. SSD:南亞太分會 / 馬來西亞 Home Health Education Service (Southeast Asia Publishing House)
‧Address: 27 Jalan Permas 10/7 Bandar Baru Permas Jaya 81750 Masai, Johor Baru,
Johor Malaysia
‧Phone: 60 (7) 386-5798, 836-7798
‧Fax: 60 (7) 386-9798
‧Email: bob_saph@yahoo.com
‧Union: Southeast Asia Union Mission (website)
‧Division: Southern Asia-Pacific Division (website)
‧Type: Publishing House (P) |

48. SAUM:南亞聯合會 / 泰國 Southeast Asia Union Mission |
‧Thailand Adventist Mission Press (Sam Nak Pim Kao Prasert).
‧P.O. Box 152; Prakanong; Bangkok 10110; Thailand. |

49. SSD:南亞太分會/斯里蘭卡 Sri Lanka Mission of Seventh-day Adventists (SLM)
‧Address: 7 Alfred House Gardens Kollupitiya, Colombo 3 Sri Lanka
‧Mail: P.O. Box 1253 Colombo Sri Lanka
‧Phone: 94 (11) 258-5851, 250-4776
‧Fax: 94 (11) 258-8724
‧Email: president@slm.lk ;
secretary@slm.lk (President)

50. TED:泛歐分會 / 蘇丹 Sudan Field
‧Address: Street 55, House 38 Al Jazira Khartoum II Sudan
‧Mail: P.O. Box 6443 Khartoum Sudan
‧Phone: 249 (183) 467-198
‧Fax: 249 (183) 463-142
‧Email: miroslav.didara@yahoo.com |
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